Dé Sathairn 8 Nollaig 2007

chuaigh me leis an gabhar...

went out on my first of bretts "goat rider's horde" rides today. started out right around freezing in allamuchy with about 1+ inches of powdery snow covering. the surface under the snow was typical early cold season mooch, occasional hard packed dirt, lots of packed down oak leaves, and of course loads of rocks and logs. my legs are still a little fatigued from la ruta. i can feel it when i power up a hill as far as i can and then get off. it takes a couple of seconds for my legs to be ready to move again. brett's getting quicker, and was up front for pretty much the whole ride. joe g and mr heerschap were out as well. it's nice riding with a group of similar abilities. there's little worry about losing someone, the stopping is mutual, not the front runners waiting for the back of the packers, then taking off as soon as the botps arrive. it was even nice being off the back at certain points. the 32x18 was probably not the best idea, and i'll try to get the 20t on there for tomorrow's mahlon+ ride.


up the riverbed, where brett confessed his deepest fears to us.

i got to this section of rock first, and almost ate it due to the layer of ice hidden under the layer of snow. joe:


the goat rider himself:

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